(+91) 880 557 7600
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- Email: shrikhandedrlaxmi@gmail.com
With the low level of cleanliness we have in some public washrooms, it is almost impossible for women to use them. There is always a threat to their hygiene and a high chance of catching a infection from using dirty toilet seats. Read More
One woman dies every 8 minutes due to cervical cancer. It is the second most common cancer in India in women accounting for 22.86% of all cancer cases in women and 12% of all cancer cases in both men and women. Read More
We have already covered the causes of Male and Female Infertility at great length in some of our previous blog. What we will be talking about today are the different types of foods that can help boost your man’s sperm count and fertility. Read More
An IVF Treatment can seem like an eternity for a woman looking forward to conceiving her first child. Since there is very little information about how long an IVF treatment actually takes some patients may think it is taking longer than it actually should. Read More
Infertility as a condition can be extremely stressful in the life of the woman and her partner. The idea that you need to face challenges to be a mother can be quite distressing. Read More
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