What Happens On Your First Visit To The Fertility Clinic
Visit A Fertility Clinic
Infertility Issues can cause a married couple a lot of strain. When a couple is trying to start a family and are unable to do so it usually leads to a lot of anxiety and stress in their relationship. Infertility issues are caused due to a large number of reasons. 1/3rd of the times infertility issues are due to issues with the woman. 1/3rd of the time it is man and in remaining 1/3 rd the problem lies with both.
When to see a fertility specialist?
Any woman having regular unprotected sex for a year, (or 6 months if you’re above the age of 35) and still having difficulty getting pregnant, there are chances you or your partner could be infertile. If this is the scenario that you are currently experiencing then it is a good time to visit your infertility specialist. If you are above the age of 35 and are not able to have a baby then the sooner you visit the infertility specialist, the better it is for you. Waiting longer could further damage your chances of conceiving.
If a woman has had issues in the past with irregular or painful periods, pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or if your partner has a history of testicular or sexual problems it is ideal to visit an infertility specialist as soon as possible.
Visit an Infertility Specialist can be an awkward situation for the couple. To ease your minds about visiting your doctor we have listed out some routine checks that happen during your first visit that will make you calmer and more confident about going.
Your First Visit: What Happens?
For some women infertility can be caused because ovulation (producing an egg) isn’t occurring on a regular basis. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could be a reason for this issue. It could also be due to an accelerated or age-related depletion of the eggs in the ovary. If ovulation is occurring normally than the issue could be caused due to a blockage in the fallopian tubes. It would imply that the sperms are not able to reach the ovulated eggs to fertilize them. Another very common cause of infertility is some faulty sperm. Usually an insufficient number of sperm to actually achieve the pregnancy will be noticed.
At your initial visit, your physician wants to determine whether there are things in your or your partner’s history that may herald an underlying medical condition that is presenting as infertility that may require further evaluation. The next steps can be largely broken down into evaluating the following: 1) the ovaries; 2) the Fallopian tubes; 3) the sperm count.
Checking Your Uterus & Ovaries
The doctor performs the internal examination for any infection and also conducts a Trans Vaginal Ultrasound to see your uterus and ovaries for any fibroids or cysts respectively. At the same time a doctor gets a fair idea of how many eggs are there in your ovaries. Based on your ultrasound scan doctor decides which hormonal tests should be done on you for better understanding of your case.
Checking Your Fallopian Tubes
Blockage in the fallopian tubes is checked by a test known as hysterosalpingogram. It is a simple x-ray of the outline of the uterine cavity and the fallopian tubes to check for blockage. If blockage does exist the fertility doctor would recommend an IVF treatment for a successful pregnancy.
Checking His Semen
It is compulsory for a man to give the semen sample for analysis. Semen analysis checks for the sperm count and sperm motility and sperm abnormality.
Depending on the results of the tests the doctors would recommend the next steps for treatment. Shrikhande IVF is one of the leading IVF and Surrogacy hospitals in India. They have the state of the art technology that allows them to carefully screen their patients and provide the most optimal results. Along with the tech, the hospital also has the leading doctors who not only treat their patients but become a partner to them in their fertility journey. The love and affection from the doctors although not directly related boosts the patients demeanor and happy patients produce better results.
Don’t be afraid of consulting your friendly fertility hospital for additional information. They are always there to help. You can count on Shrikhande IVF.
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