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Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

Understand the Role and Effects of Stress on Infertility

Stress may or may not be a negative component in your journey towards conception

Stress has now become a very common part of our daily life. With the conditions worsening every day, work deadlines building up, and the cracks in relationships caused by various elements in our life, stress is something we have now learned to live with as a normal part of our lives. But what most couples don’t understand is that stress can have an extremely negative impact on infertility as it can disturb both a man and a woman’s hormonal cycle and make it so much more difficult to conceive. It is therefore of the utmost importance to understand the link between stress and infertility and why you must seek help in time. We have tried to explain some of the basic components and the impact of stress. Read More

Worried about recurrent implantation failure? Know more

Implantation failure can be disheartening, after the hard work and emotions that are invested in an IVF cycle. Recurrent implantation failure that occurs time after time with every cycle leads to intended parents eventually giving up or being hesitant to put more of their emotions into further IVF cycles. In many cases, everything may go smoothly, right from the egg retrieval to fertilization, along with the health of the mother and probability of implantation also determined to be high. However, the pregnancy never seems to ‘stick’. If you and your partner are planning to undergo IVF treatment, here’s everything you should know about recurrent implantation failure in IVF.

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What leads to Ectopic pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is one of the most painful experiences for expectant parents to go through. After being given a glimpse of a future filled with parenthood, and coming to terms with the life changes that a baby brings, an ectopic pregnancy can be heartbreaking, making expectant parents feel like their dream was snatched away. As there’s no ectopic pregnancy treatment to save the pregnancy regardless of the circumstances, the only option is to end the pregnancy or monitor it until miscarriage, which causes emotional pain to the parents, making them often doubt themselves. A major question that they find themselves asking while dealing with their condition is ‘what causes an ectopic pregnancy?’ Though it may seem otherwise, an ectopic pregnancy is majorly caused due to medical reasons that are out of the hands of the parents.

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Things to remember when choosing a Fertility Clinic

Fertility clinics give infertile couples hope for a bright future where they can fulfill their dreams of parenthood. After all, when it comes to becoming a parent, it is essential to explore every avenue possible, until you meet your goal. Making the decision to opt for fertility treatments is a huge decision. However, choosing the right fertility clinic is just as important, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. A fertility clinic is a vital part of your fertility journey, often setting the pace for what follows.

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