Top 10 Tips to help to lower the Chances of Miscarriage after IVF
Most women have a fear of miscarriage after an IVF treatment. Older women have a higher chance of miscarriage compared to the younger ones. The chance of miscarriage in 30-year-old women is 1 out of 5 pregnancies. For women who are 42 years or older, the chance is a half. You do not need to worry; these miscarriages can be reduced through a number of ways. Highlighted below are top ten tips to help in lowering the chances of miscarriage after IVF.
IVF is no longer a taboo subject: Shed the tag of infertile with medical consultation
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical process whereby an egg obtained from a female ovary is fused with a male sperm manually. It is usually carried out in vitro which is fertilization outside a human body, in this case, a culture dish. It can only be performed in laboratories equipped for such a procedures. The combined reproductive cells are monitored throughout the development period, and the resulting embryo is then introduced into the uterus. This is one of the successful methods deployed to help families or individuals struggling to conceive due to infertility problems.
Having a Baby after Cancer: How IVF and Surrogacy can come to your rescue?
How IVF saved our relationship
I still remember, as a little girl, playing with dolls, prams, and bottles. As children, many of us had a subliminal inclination towards nurturing and caring for a baby. Role playing this fantasy through our toys, we always made sure our “baby’s” diaper was changed, and they were well fed and contented. As I grew older and matured into a woman, I always dreamed of the day when I would be starting my own little family. Physically re-enacting the very same dream and fantasy I had portrayed in my childhood.
7 Reasons Why We Need To Be More Open About IVF
There are thousands of parents who benefit from aided conception. However, a queer taboo unfortunately still looms over infertile women opting for assisted conception. Keeping silent is seen as a failing strategy that only serves to imprison women. Women need to be more vocal about their accounts of assisted conception to shed more light on it. What then could be some of the reasons for women to stand up and open up about their stories?