Is Sitting Really The New Smoking?
A Big Yes! As crazy as it sounds, sitting is the new smoking. How is that possible – you’ll ask? If you have developed a habit of sitting for long hours, and are walking towards that direction, please stop. It has been found out that sitting for long hours, and developing such a lifestyle, can cause the same adverse health-related diseases as are incurred by smoking. Scary right, much.
The 5 Most Effective Healthcare Tips for Moms
However, with a little persistence, a little support and perseverance, a life-long habit towards building a healthy lifestyle can be achieved.
5 Simple ways to boost your health
There is this entire buzz of making yourself healthier or keeping yourself fit. People are finding ways to boost their health but have no time for it because of their busy schedule.
So here’s some good news to all you people, who are looking to include some good healthy habits to improve their health, but you don’t have to turn your life upside down to achieve it. Here’s how you do it:
Healthy Living – 10 Things to Do For Healthy Living this Summer
The Power of positive thinking for your Health
Is your glass half-empty or half full? How you answer this “outlook on life” question may also reflect the attitude you have toward yourself. According to the human psychology, whether you are typically optimistic or pessimistic may even affect your health. Here is some information about the power of positive thinking.
Often, the biggest challenge when it comes to getting fit and healthy is our mindset. Positive thinking is the key to reaching your optimal performance and fitness level. Keeping these benefits in mind may help you see the brighter side of life more often.